
                 Trees will come on screen

//                                          //
// Trees.java  -  Displays a grove of trees //
//                                          //
// Created by Divya H Jain                  //
//                                          //

import java.awt.*;    //Include the appropriate 
import java.applet.*; //Library functions

//Public class Trees.  Inherits from object Applet.
//This Applet can be easily used in web pages.
public class Trees extends Applet {

  |  Method drawtree.                          |
  | This method is called to draw one tree to  |
  | the screen at a specific coordinate on the |
  | screen.                                    |
  private void drawtree(Graphics g, int x, int y) {

    //Set brown as the active color
    Color Brown = new Color(162, 42, 42);

    //Draw the tree trunk
    g.fillRect(x, y-100, 10, 100);

    //Set green as the active color
    Color TreeGreen = new Color(0, 200, 0);

    //Draw the leaves on the tree with an oval
    g.fillOval(x-50+5, y-50-100, 100, 100);

    //Put a black border on the tree leaves to improve contrast.
    g.drawOval(x-50+5, y-50-100, 100, 100);

  |  Method paint.                             |
  | This method called to redraw the screen.   |
  public void paint (Graphics g) {

    //Set the background to be a grass color
    Color DarkGreen = new Color(0, 128, 0);

    //Draw a grove of trees
    drawtree(g, 200, 150);
    drawtree(g, 300, 200);
    drawtree(g, 90, 290);
    drawtree(g, 300, 305);
    drawtree(g, 140, 340);

    // Draw a label and put a box around it.
    g.drawString("A grove of trees", 100, 395);
    g.drawRect(98, 385, 100, 12);


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