
How to make dangerous explosives from homemade items #anarchist cookbook

Well guys in this post I ill mainly focus on the following parts:

1.       Potassium Bomb
2.       Chemical Fire Bottle
3.       Nail Grenade

Potassium Bomb

This is one of my favorites.  This creates a very unstable explosive in a very
 stable continer.  You will need:

 1) A two-ended bottle.  These are kinda hard to find, you have to look around,
  but if you cant find one, you will need a similar container in which there
  are two totally seperate sides that are airtight and accessable at the ends,
  like this:

                           !airtight seperator!
                   |                |                 |
                   /                |                 \
               ----                 |                  ----
              | c  |                |                 |c   |
              |  a |                |                 | a  |                  
              |___p|                |                 |__p_|
                   \                |                 /
                   |                |                 |

  the seperator MUST remain airtight/watertight so this doesn't blow off your
  arm in the process (believe me. it will if you are not exact)

 2) Pure potassium. Not Salt Peter, or any shit like that.  This must be the
  pure element.  This again may prove hard to find.  Try a school chemistry
  teacher.  Tell her you need it for a project, or some shit like that.  Try
  to get the biggest piece you can, because this works best if it a solid
  chuck, not a powder. 

 3) Cotton

 4) Water


  Take the cotton and stuff some into one end of the container lining one side
  of the seperator.  Place some potassiun, about the size of a quarter or
  bigger (CAREFULLY, and make sure your hands are PERFECTLY DRY, this stuff
  reacts VERY VIOLENTLY with water) into that side and pack it in tightly with
  all the cotton you can fit.  Now screw the cap on TIGHTLY.
                On the other side of the seperator, fill it with as much water as will
  fit, and screw that cap on TIGHTLY.  You are now in possession of a compact
  explosive made somewhat stable.  To explode, throw it at something! The water
  will react with the potassium, and BBBOOOOOOMMMM!!!  Works great on windows
  or windshields, because the glass fragments go everywhere (stand back) and
  rip stuff apart.  The bigger the piece, the bigger the boom.  If no potassium
  can be found, thy looking for PURE Sodium, it works well too.
                EXODUS relenquishes any responsibility to anyone who attempts this. 
  You are on your own.......

     PS: you could also place this little sucker under the wheel of a car of
  someone you hate...(Wait till' they back over that one!!!).
                     HAVE PHUNNN   HEE HEE !!

Chemical Fire Bottle

This incendiary bottle is self-igniting on target impact.

      Materials Required
                               How Used               Common Source

      Sulphuric Acid           Storage Batteries      Motor Vehicles
                               Material Processing    Industrial Plants

      Gasoline                 Motor Fuel             Gas Station or
                                                      Motor Vehicles

      Potassium Chlorate       Medicine               Drug Stores

      Sugar                    Sweetening Foods       Food Store

      Glass bottle with stopper (roughly 1 quart size)
      Small Bottle or jar with lid.
      Rag or absorbant paper (paper towels, newspaper)
      String or rubber bands



      1)  Sulphuric  Acid MUST be concentrated. If battery acid or other
      dilute acid is used, concentrate it by boiling until  dense  white
      fumes  are  given  off.  Container  used  to  boil  should  be  of
      enamel-ware or oven glass.

      CAUTION: Sulphuric Acid will burn skin and  destroy  clothing.  If
      any is spilled, wash it away with a large quantity of water. Fumes
      are also VERY dangerous and should not be inhaled.

      2)   Remove  the  acid  from  heat  and  allow  to  cool  to  room

      3) Pour gasoline into the large  (1  quart)  bottle  until  it  is
      approximately 1/3 full.

      4)  Add  concentrated  sulphuric acid to gasoline slowly until the
      bottle is filled to within 1" to 2" from top. Place the stopper on
      the bottle.

      5) Wash the outside of the bottle thoroughly with clear water.

      CAUTION: If this is not done, the fire bottle may be dangerous  to
      handle during use!

      6)  Wrap a clean cloth or several sheets of absorbant paper around
      the outside of the bottle. Tie with string or fasten  with  rubber

      7)  Dissolve 1/2 cup (100 grams) of potassium chlorate and 1/2 cup
      (100 grams) of sugar in one cup (250 cc) of boiling water.

      8) Allow the solution to cool, pour into the small bottle and  cap
      tightly.  The  cooled  solution should be approx. 2/3 crystals and
      1/3 liquid. If there is more than this,  pour  off  excess  before

      CAUTION: Store this bottle seperately from the  other bottle!

      How To Use:

      1)  Shake the small bottle to mix contents and pour onto the cloth
      or paper around the large bottle. Bottle can be used wet or  after
      solution is dried. However, when dry, the sugar-Potassium chlorate
      mixture  is very sensitive to spark or flame and should be handled

      2) Throw or launch the bottle. When the bottle  breaks  against  a
      hard surface (target) the fuel will ignite.


Nail Grenade

Effective fragmentation grenades can be made from a block of tnt or
other blasting explosive and nails.

Material Required:

Block of TNT or other blasting explosive
Non-electric (military or improvised) blasting cap
Fuse Cord
Tape, string, wire, or glue


1) If an explosive charge other than a standard TNT block is used, make a
hole in the center of the charge for inserting the blasting cap. TNT can
be drilled with relative safety. With plastic explosives, a hole can be
made by pressing a round stick into the center of the charge. The hole
should be deep enough that the blasting cap is totally within the
2) Tape, tie, or glue one or two rows of closely packed nails to the
sides of the explosive block. Nails should completely cover the four
surfaces of the block.
3) Place blasting cap on one end of the fuse cord and crimp with pliers.

NOTE: To find out how long the fuse cord should be, check the time it
takes a known length to burn. If 12 inches (30 cm) burns for 30 seconds,
a 10 second delay will require a 4 inch (10 cm) fuse.

4) Insert the blasting cap in the hole in the block of explosive. Tape or
tie fuse cord securly in place so that it will not fall out when the
grenade is thrown.

Alternate Use:

An effective directional anti-personnel mine can be made by placing nails
on only one side of the explosive block. For this case, an electric
blasting cap can be used.


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